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"The kingdom of heaven will be like...
a man going on a journey, who calls his servants
and entrusts his property to them... After a long
time, the master of those servants returns
and settles accounts with them...
"Well dont, good and fiathful servant!
You have been faithful in a few things,
I will put you in charge of many things.
Come and share your master's happiness!"
Matthew 25:1, 14, 19, 23

If the praise of others elates me...
if the blame of others depresses me...
if I cannot rest when I am misunderstood, without defending myself...
if I love to be loved, more than to give love...
if I love to be served, more than serving...
then I know nothing of Calvary love.

My Father, so seldom have the NEEMA girls felt the rich and unshakable peace of heaven, which You promised them. Let them be comforted that You will always love them. Let them live inside Your kingdom of peace, Father, for You are faithful to us.

Devotion rewritten from "I Come Quietly To Meet You", Amy Carmichael.