The 5 Turning Points in Rose’s Life

Rose is a survivor, full of smiles and a love for her friends. She’s the youngest child in her family, but her father is polygamous and now lives with another wife and their children. He works as a personal security guard but has not financially supported Rose’s mother, who is unemployed.

Education through class eight 

In her village, Rose had attended traditional school through class eight. Although this was greatly beneficial for her, she was left with no choice but to drop out in 2013 because of extreme material poverty. Her mother could no longer pay for Rose’s school supplies and uniform.  

Birth of her son, Ian

Unable to attend school, Rose was left vulnerable and became pregnant. In 2017, she had a baby boy, Ian, for whom she now would need to provide. One article in the Telegraph shares that, “12 million girls are still married as children every year, and 130 million are not in school. Each of these millions of girls and women will have their life chances sharply curtailed by early motherhood, lower incomes, poorer health and greater risk of violence.” Early pregnancies and lack of education are heavily intertwined.

Acceptance into the Neema Program

The following year, Rose started at Neema in the first-level tailoring class. She also began counseling sessions and was impacted by Neema’s regular patterns of prayer and Scripture reading.

Improved relationship with her family

Since coming to Neema, Rose says her relationship with her father has improved, and he has started supporting her! She shares that she’s also benefited from the trauma and guidance counseling:

“I’ve even become like a counselor to my mother after what I heard from you. We sit down, and I encourage her that this will change because there is hope and tell her to see from me." 

Rose said that since Neema, she feels changed because she used to be angry and vengeful, but she is no longer that person: “Since I learned how to forgive, I have been happy and jovial. I’ve learned ways to control my anger which had been a big hindrance to me, but now I feel new. This school term I have come with a better mindset, and I’ve chosen to be happy and closer to God because it is he who has enabled me to have peace and a good relationship with my family and fellow students.” ⠀

Passing dressmaking exams

Rose has now successfully passed her second National Certification Exam this past August 2019. Currently in her 3rd year at Neema, Rose has joined nine other students in her level who are working at the Neema Shop. Here she continues to receive skills training, counseling, discipleship, and financial management training. She’s expected to graduate from Neema in December of this year.

"I can’t believe that I was registered for examinations. It used to stress me so much, and I would worry where I will get the money, but for sure God is alive. My mother is also not so stressed like she used to be.”