A Slideshow of Our 2021 Solidarity Stomp

Thank you - Merci - Hertzlichen Dank - ありがとうございます - Asante Sana

It was my first Solidarity Stomp for Neema and I can’t thank you enough for joining us in this virtual “Trek to Kenya”. It was an incredible experience to see over 200 people from 7 states and 13 countries who stomped with us and/or helped raise $16,163!

On behalf of Neema, I would like to thank you all again. It is because of people like you that we are able to fulfill our mission to empower young vulnerable women out of poverty in rural Kenya. Be sure to scroll through the photos below from our virtual run and see if you can find yours! 

Pamoja (together),

Gaëlle Beltran-Grémaud
Executive Director, NEEMA