First Days

Yesterday the Team arrived at the Neema Project to connect with the girls! I can imagine the smiles, laughter and hugs. Having been there myself just this past February, I remember with such vividness the reception of love that we received. Myself and two other team members (Melinda & Sarah) were greeted with songs and dancing. Head on over to Brenna's Instagram and see this years welcome celebration!  

Take a moment to read how Brenna prepared for this years trip: 

"My first trip to Neema last summer deeply impacted me and after much thought and prayer I felt strongly about not only investing there long term but also making trips back, every year if I could. My biggest setback and fear to follow thru with this has been money. I don't have it, and have to work my butt off just to be making it on my own right now. I also didn't want to ask for it. I hated the perspective of "oh hey give me your money please so I can go to a really cool place and you can sit at home..." It felt so selfish and I didn't want to be the one on the team holding everyone back or looking like I'm not doing anything or trying hard enough or just waiting for others to carry my load.

Melinda and Faith encouraged me to follow thru with what I felt called to anyway and trust the Lord. Immediately, half my trip’s costs were covered thru an immensely generous supporter. That was a huge encouragement. But the rest did not come quickly. I remained insecure, but trying to trust Him to provide. He was, is and will provide. All along the way leading up to this trip I now leave for in a few short days, He was providing faith. Something I need badly, every day in every situation and need to grow stronger in. And I have, not because I said something I wanted, believed I would, and then got it, but because He has been showing rest to my soul amidst the need and the unknown, and amidst the callings I don't know how will come to fruition.

The rest of my funds were miraculously covered within the last 3 days, less than a week before leaving for Kenya. It took a while, but all the while, I have been learning and growing. I have been learning new ways to fundraise, and how to incorporate people and community on this mission. My perspective and heart for the Neema Project has been growing and expanding in the grand scheme of things, which hopefully will benefit continued work with them in the future. Most of all I have been learning how to have faith. And that in itself, I believe is faith. You have to believe to believe. And all the money in the world couldn’t have prepared me for this trip better than that."